Status Quo Really Pays Off
Hound Dog thinks that if oil independence was really a US government concern then there would be a movement afoot to replace all incandescent light bulbs with LED light bulbs, saving about 25% of the electricity used in the United States and the billions of barrels of oil used to generate it, almost overnight. This would cause the price of heating oil and gasoline to plummet accordingly, and put a big, almost instant hurt on OPEC.
Viable incandescent lightbulb replacement
Australia to Ban Sale of Incandescent Light Bulbs This link was added 02/21/07. Check the original date on this post to see that Hound Dog was ahead of the story.
Why don't we? Same reason there will never be prison reform, economical bulk storage of electricity, overhauls of the criminal justice and health care systems, pebble bed nuclear reactors, curtailment of the US defense industry, and much more. There are simply too many powerful people making money on the status quo.
But you already knew that already, right?
Viable incandescent lightbulb replacement
Australia to Ban Sale of Incandescent Light Bulbs This link was added 02/21/07. Check the original date on this post to see that Hound Dog was ahead of the story.
Why don't we? Same reason there will never be prison reform, economical bulk storage of electricity, overhauls of the criminal justice and health care systems, pebble bed nuclear reactors, curtailment of the US defense industry, and much more. There are simply too many powerful people making money on the status quo.
But you already knew that already, right?