Whiney Little Bitch Productions

Mission Statement: The focus of this blog is to ask fact-based logical questions to a target audience of thinking people who may be hearing them for the first time. WLBP is neither Democratic nor Republican; neither hawk nor dove. This is not a discussion forum, yet we encourage you leave comments. No personal attacks or rants, please. We want to hear your logical better interpretation, idea, or additional facts, cited if possible.

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Hound Dog, Logic be the name. (whiney_little_bitch_productions@yahoo.com)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

All Signs Point to Another 9/11 Coming Up Soon

It's starting to hit the news on a regular basis. The Pearl Harbor effect of the original 9/11 is wearing off, apparently. Hound Dog suggests setting up as many TV recording devices as you can afford, one for each of all the news channels, so this time around we all will have a copy of certain news clips that will only appear for one day or less. The murderous thugs that are actually running things in this country are likely to do it again.


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